Writers of narrative nonfiction want to tell compelling true stories, whether as short or long personal essays, creative nonfiction, or a book-length memoir. The vexing question is, “How?” Structure is the bugbear of many a memoirist, especially when your story shifts in time or has multiple timelines. Unfortunately, narrative nonfiction writers can get stuck in chronology: “this happened, then this happened, then this happened…”
There are other ways to structure your story.
Learn five time-tested structures, narrative “containers,” to help best shape and hold your narrative. We’ll begin by understanding the classic chronological “building the mountain” structure (exposition/status quo —> inciting incident —> rising tension —> climax —> resolution/denouement). Then we’ll break out of that mold to explore the non-chronological “in medias res” sandwich (scene —> backstory/flashback—> scene); the “looking back” frame (flashback from the present day); simple or complex braids (of narrative timelines and possible non-narrative materials), and using found forms such as hermit crab, compression/flash, and lyric essay. You’ll leave the seminar with new structural tools to tackle your personal narratives anew.
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ETHAN GILSDORF is a writer, teacher, performer, and the author of the Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Esquire, Wired, Salon, O the Oprah Magazine, Brevity, Electric Literature, Poetry, The Southern Review, among other publications, and named “Notable” by The Best American Essays. He teaches workshops in essay, creative nonfiction and memoir at GrubStreet in Boston, where he leads the Essay Incubator program, and at LitArts RI. He is also on the faculty of the Solstice MFA Program at Lasell University.
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