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Fierce on the Page: Using Poetic Craft for Unforgettable Prose

January 3, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EST

Virtual Event Virtual Event
ancient art,imitation,learning craft


Word choices transform your prose from “good” to unforgettable. Learn how poetic craft principles can awaken the senses, elevate emotion, and evoke imagery that connects viscerally with your readers.

Fierce writers create a direct channel to the reader’s nervous system and bloodstream. We do this by choosing the language that most powerfully propels the story on its unique trajectory.

This interactive webinar offers a series of exercises that will deepen and invigorate your range of language. You’ll gain fresh revision strategies to elevate your voice and amplify your impact. We’ll explore ten key poetry craft considerations that can enliven your prose to convey greater sensory detail and more potent imagery—so you can captivate your reader.

This webinar includes both teaching and writing time, with short, directed exercises to immediately use your new craft skills.

In this webinar, you will:

  • AWAKEN your instincts for making powerful word choices
  • LEARN key poetic craft principles for influencing the senses and emotions
  • PRACTICE these principles in a series of live exercises
  • CRAFT vivid imagery that surprises you

This webinar is ideal for:

  • Fiction and nonfiction writers who want to craft more potent prose
  • Writers who feel competent in their sentence craft, but “something’s missing”
  • Writers who want to enliven their language with unforgettable images, emotion, & sensory detail
  • Writers seeking strategies for generating and revising prose that tap deeper veins of truth and beauty

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ancient art,imitation,learning craft

SAGE COHEN is the author of Fierce on the Page, Writing the Life Poetic, and The  Productive Writer, all from Writer’s Digest Books, as well as Write a Poem a Day: 30  Prompts to Unleash Your Imagination and the poetry collection Like the Heart the World from Queen of Wands Press. As a writing coach, worldwide presenter, instructor, and developmental editor, Sage has supported thousands of poets and writers in bringing their best work into the world. 

Sage holds an MFA in Creative Writing from New York University where she was awarded a full fellowship. For more than 15 years, she has been informing and inspiring writers through lectures and workshops via Willamette Writers, Sitka Center, Writer’s  Digest, Jane Friedman webinars, the California Writer’s Club, and her own online school. Sage runs the WE WRITE online community where heart-centered poets and writers gather to write more, write better, and come alive.  


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Sage Cohen
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