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MASTERCLASS | Writing Your Way Home: Where the Story Resides

July 13, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 3:30 pm EDT

Virtual Event Virtual Event


LIVE ON ZOOM | Saturday, July 13, 11 am – 3:30 pm Eastern 

Homes protect us, they contain us, they extend us, they release us. They also shape us. Memoir helps show us how.

This Masterclass is part of our new series of longer writing workshops for in-depth learning and moments of creation within the class.

Most of the time, one way or the other, writers are writing home. That crammed space beneath the kitchen table where the daydreaming got done. That kitchen sink where the pots stayed, for weeks, in their deflated suds. That bedroom door with the broken, tarnished knob. Those windows that looked out onto the world beyond. House. Home. Life. All one messy, essential tangle.

How do we tell the resonating domestic tales? How do we articulate ideas and memories for which we’ve never found the words? What do we do, as writers, with the homes we have lost, or the homes we now have, or the homes for which we are still searching? 

How do we write home?

In this one-day masterclass, acclaimed memoirist and teacher Beth Kephart will lead writers on a journey through the domestic past into the present. The 4.5-hour experience will be framed by two illustrated, exemplar-rich presentations and enriched by a cascade of guided prompts. 

In this masterclass, you will…

  • ENGAGE with a series of illustrated presentations offered by Beth Kephart
  • GENERATE ideas
  • RESPOND to questions and prompts
  • WRITE and share/listen to new work from the class, learning from Beth’s responses

Participants will be given time to write, and volunteers will have the opportunity to share their work with the group and to learn from Beth’s response.

This class is ideal for…

  • Writers seeking to tell a story that contains, in some way, elements of home
  • Writers who wish to be returned to places they have had trouble reclaiming in memory
  • Writers who wish to engage with others in a masterclass environment, share their work and extend the stories they are writing
  • Writers interested in spending the day among like-minded souls, responding to excerpts and prompts

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Think you might miss part of the class? No worries, replays will be available.


BETH KEPHART is the award-winning author of some 40 books in multiple genres, an award-winning teacher, and a book artist. Wife|Daughter|Self: A Memoir in Essays was named one of 35 of the Best Book Club Books by Independent Review. Good Books for Bad Children: The Genius of Ursula Nordstrom was released from Anne Schwartz Books/Random House in September 2023. My Life in Paper: Adventures in Ephemera was recently released by Temple University Press. Beth’s book arts were featured at the New York Historical Society design event in November 2023. More at,, and





We understand that life can get in the way of your plans. We want you to be able to get the most out of your course, and our refund policy is designed to balance your need for flexibility with our deadlines and obligations to our teachers.

Before the first class, you may request a refund (less a $25 processing fee).

Please keep in mind that no refunds or credits will be issued after class begins.

Questions? Please email


July 13, 2024
11:00 am - 3:30 pm EDT
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Zoom Meeting


Beth Kephart
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