Moving from Rejection to Publication
Get your essay or memoir out of the slush pile with key first-page elements and editing tools.
Get your essay or memoir out of the slush pile with key first-page elements and editing tools.
In writing a memoir in pieces or fragments, compression is just as important as elongation--and juxtapositions tell the story.
You’ve structured your narrative and know your facts--but how do you make your story sing?
When we create images and scenes and shape our stories—transforming experience into art—we can also transform ourselves.
This webinar will address five approaches for revising memoir, including ramping up the stakes, honing the structure, and sharpening characters.
You’ve got a beautiful, wild, and free first what?
It’s time to revise your first draft, but where to begin? Focusing on five key elements will help you rewrite a better, deeper book.
Most books die in their second act. Find out how to prevent that fate.
Identifying thematic currents in a draft can illuminate your key ideas and guide the revision process. In this webinar, we'll explore how.
Most memoir manuscripts have the same five craft issues. Learn what they are and how to avoid them.