Great Beginnings : Capturing Readers, Agents and Publishers from Word One
Learn what makes your writing sparkle from word one, and how to express your own voice and style on the page while compelling readers to turn the page to find out what happens next.
Writing Through the Lens: Think Like a Photographer to Craft Compelling Scenes
Struggling with writing scenes or recreating lost memories? Thinking like a photographer can help.
Capturing Life in a Flash: The Art of One-Moment Memoirs
Write flash essays that convey the depth and breadth of your life stories.
Looking Back, Moving Forward: Writing About Grief, Loss & Trauma
Unsure how to start writing about grief, loss, or trauma? Stuck midstream? Wondering how honest to be?
Showing v. Telling: Deconstructing the Situation & the Story
Writers learn early on to “show, don’t tell,” but both are necessary. So, how much of each, and why?
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know: Using Facts to Fascinate
Worried you’ll bore readers by incorporating facts in your creative nonfiction? Make researched material work for you!