Wild Creativity: 6-Week Generative Bootcamp
Spark your creativity and build your practice in CRAFT TALKS’ new 6-week boot camp for all genres!
The Secrets of Structure: Shaping Your Powerful, Publishable Novel or Memoir
You’ve got a beautiful, wild, and free first draft…now what?
Diving Deeply: Using Research to Explore, Expand, and Revise Your Work
Whether you write true stories, fiction, or poetry, research can be a multifaceted tool to explore, expand, and revise your work.
Does It Have to Be Memoir?: Reimagining Your True Story
We endlessly negotiate the temptations of fiction as we write memoir. What if we yielded?
The Power of Story: Finding the Invisible Magnetic River in Your Memoir or Novel
How does our writing open into something wide and powerful, reflecting a truth “older than the flow of human blood in human veins”?
Write Faster: Finish your book & feel good about it!
Learn how to write more in less time to finish your book—for real!–in 2024.
Writing with Consistency and Courage: Overcome Resistance & Strengthen Your Writing Practice
Feeling stuck or uninspired? Discover practical techniques for overcoming resistance and tapping creativity in this interactive 3-hour workshop for all genres.
Wild Creativity: 6-Week Generative Bootcamp
Spark your creativity and build your practice in CRAFT TALKS’ new 6-week boot camp for all genres!
Enchant, Engage: Make the Fantastic Believable in Prose
Whether you write nonfiction or fiction, discover the art of crafting believable magical elements and stakes in your prose.
Write Tight: Strategies for Creating Compelling Flash Fiction & Micro-Memoir
Learn failproof strategies for creating flash fiction and micro memoir.