The Power of Story: Finding the Invisible Magnetic River in Your Memoir or Novel
How does our writing open into something wide and powerful, reflecting a truth “older than the flow of human blood in human veins”?
Write Faster: Finish your book & feel good about it!
Learn how to write more in less time to finish your book—for real!–in 2024.
Writing with Consistency and Courage: Overcome Resistance & Strengthen Your Writing Practice
Feeling stuck or uninspired? Discover practical techniques for overcoming resistance and tapping creativity in this interactive 3-hour workshop for all genres.
They Walk! They Talk! : Secrets to Writing Engaging Characters & Vivid Dialogue
Characterization in memoir is always a challenge: How can we make the people we know feel as real and alive for readers as they do to us?
Power Your Memoir with Mystery: How Curiosity Fuels Craft
The fuel that runs the engine of all good writing is our uncertainty…and the true curiosity of the writer
Who Am I & Why Am I Here? Making The Most of First-Person Narration
So many of us are raised with the admonition, “It’s not all about you.” But when it comes to writing memoirs and personal essays, it kinda is.
Read Like a Writer (& Become Better at Your Craft!)
CRAFT TALKS is delighted to offer this free webinar, teaching reading techniques to become a more fluent writer.