Eat, Write, Repeat: Using Food As a Springboard for Storytelling
Zoom WebinarNothing brings a story to life faster than tastes, meals & culinary experiences. Learn how to use food as a vehicle for storytelling.
Nothing brings a story to life faster than tastes, meals & culinary experiences. Learn how to use food as a vehicle for storytelling.
Feeling stuck or uninspired? Discover practical techniques for overcoming resistance and tapping creativity in this interactive 3-hour workshop for all genres.
Do you love reading short forms, but find them elusive to craft well? Come discover the core techniques you need to elevate your game!
How does our writing open into something wide and powerful, reflecting a truth “older than the flow of human blood in human veins”?
Writing a great Modern Love column can be surprisingly straightforward if you have the right tools and techniques.
Every true story contains gaps. By embracing the unknown, we can transform our material and our writing experience.
This webinar will address five approaches for revising memoir, including ramping up the stakes, honing the structure, and sharpening characters.
Scenes are the building blocks of story. Elevate your game with core scene writing essentials.
Struggling with how to make yourself come alive on the page? Looking to unleash the power of first-person?
Learn how the three essential tools of storytelling--scene, summary, reflection--work together to create powerful narrative.
Get your essays ready for commercial publication and get closer to yes!
We endlessly negotiate the temptations of fiction as we write memoir. What if we yielded?