The Magic of Micro Prose: Find Your Story in 300 Words or Less

Unlock your storytelling potential and share your words with captivating brevity.
Great Beginnings : Capturing Readers, Agents and Publishers from Word One

Learn what makes your writing sparkle from word one, and how to express your own voice and style on the page while compelling readers to turn the page to find out what happens next.
Map Your Memoir: Structure Your Story from Start to Finish

You have a story burning inside – something you’ve experienced and overcome, or perhaps a family story that needs to be told and preserved for future generations.
MASTERCLASS | Essential Tools of Narrative: Scene, Summary & Reflection

Learn how the three essential tools of storytelling–scene, summary, reflection–work together to create a powerful narrative.
MASTERCLASS | Seven Ways to Rivet Your Reader: Create Lively, Engaging & More Saleable Fiction and Nonfiction

Many writers have strong language skills—the writing is beautiful. But to attract readers, it’s helpful to stop writing, and spend time crafting ways to engage the reader’s attention from start to finish.
MASTERCLASS | Writing Your Way Home: Where the Story Resides

Homes protect us, they contain us, they extend us, they release us. They also shape us. Memoir helps show us how.
Dark Truths: Five Tools for Crafting Compelling Mental Health Narratives

Mental health stories speak to our darkest truths and teach us what it means to be human. Learn five craft tools for telling your own.
Micro Memoir: Writing and Publishing Tiny True Stories

Delicious to read, devilishly difficult to write, micro memoir requires great story-telling skill and evocative language.
MASTERCLASS | Character Development: Writing the Other

We have been made of people, shaped by people, defined by people, and defined ourselves in opposition to or in allegiance with people. Can we ever be truly alone on our memoir pages?
From Itch to Pitch: Start Writing for Parenting Publications

Want to write for parenting publications but need help figuring out where to start?